Streaming media services is defined as those multimedia services which are provided by the internet service provider to the customers or the end-users. Streaming media services helps real time or on demand distribution and presentation of video, audi...

$ 4500.00

No. of Pages: 201

Healthcare IT usually refer to the offering of technological solutions by the overall information and technology to the global healthcare industry. Healthcare IT solutions are foreseeing a drastic demand for general applications such as electronic he...

$ 4500.00

No. of Pages: 205

Pneumatic conveying system is a strategy for passing on dry material in a pipeline through air with no moving parts. Pneumatic passing on is a uniquely designed conveying system and based on the characteristic of products, molecule measure, throughpu...

$ 4500.00

No. of Pages: 203

Managed print services (MPS) are services presented by an outdoor provider to improve or manage a company’s document productivity. The services include needs assessment, selective as well as general spare of hardware. In addition, the other importa...

$ 4500.00

No. of Pages: 207

The automated storage and retrieval systems are usually known as AS/RS Systems.
These systems deliver users with tracking and increased inventory control, including greater flexibility to accommodate changing business conditions.


$ 4500.00

No. of Pages: 201

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